I've been reading quite a lot recently, but I've also developed a slight shopping addiction when it comes to buying books. I rarely buy a new book, but I do find it difficult to pass a charity shop without adding some bargains to my stash and I seem to have had a few shopping opportunities recently.
I thought I'd share a little look at my current To Be Read pile, to try and motivate myself to carry on working my way through it! The pile is stored next to my bed as that is where I do a lot of my reading. Most of the books are from charity shops, although a couple are new ones that I've received as gifts.
Three of them are books which I have previously borrowed, read and enjoyed, and I wanted to own my own copy to read before I add them to my shelf. They are All The Light We Cannon See by Anthony Doerr, The Paper Palace by Miranda Cowley Heller and Ladder of Years by Anne Tyler. These will be easy to get through because I know that I really like them!
Two of them are books which I have started and have become stuck on as they were just not grabbing me. They are Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson, which I would like to finish, and War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy which I decided I wanted to read just to say that I had and am not regretting. They do take up a lot of space and make me feel guilty when I see them, so maybe I just need to admit defeat and pass them on.
There are also two other books that are in progress - Showstopper by Peter Lovesey isn't my usual sort of book but I've borrowed it and want to read it. The Pillow Book by Sei Shonagon I've been reading for ages, I just dip in and out of it.
The Forsyte Saga by John Galsworthy is an old edition which was my Grandma's. There are two by Haruki Murakami - What I Talk About When I Talk About Running and Men Without Women which I'm looking forward to reading. My Father's House by Joseph O'Conner I picked up because I really enjoyed Star of The Sea.
There are a few non-fiction - How to Speak Whale by Tom Mustill which I bought for my son, then The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat by Oliver Sacks and The Magic of Reality by Richard Dawkins. All of these require a little more concentration to get through!
Finally, hidden in plain sight at the very top of the pile you will spot my Kindle in it's flowery case. I try not to think about all the unread books that are in there. Every month I get at least one book from the Kindle First Reads selection and I also have a selection from Amazon Prime Reading as well as the free ones that I download occasionally. There are currently 25 books in my unread books collection...I wouldn't have the room for all of them as physical books!
A couple of years ago I wrote a blog post full of tips on working through the pile of unread books - How to conquer your To Be Read pile - which I think has some really helpful advice which I'm definitely going to be re-visiting!
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