Tuesday 15 October 2024

Things that have made me happy over the last week

I am living in a bit of upheaval at the moment and it feels as though I have a lot going on. The disruption isn't too bad, but I am finding that it's more difficult to keep to my usual routine and that can leave me feeling a bit out of sorts. So I thought I'd think about some of the things that have made me feel happy over the last week or so!

Our orangery extension - It's really coming together now, we have windows and doors and will have the roof and some plastering completed by the end of the week. There have been so many decisions to make which I find hard work, but we are getting there and the end is in sight. 

Getting out for a run - I've not managed this as often as I'd like, but I'm also good at finding excuses. Even when I'm expecting builders and deliveries I can usually pop out at some point for half an hour, and I feel so much better when I've managed it.

Fresh brownies - I cheat a little with my brownies and I use a mix from Costco (Ghirardelli Triple Chocolate Brownie Mix - yum!), and we don't get there often. It's been out of stock the last few visits and I was worried that they might have discontinued it, but luckily on a recent visit I was able to stock up!

Freshly baked brownies

Cups of tea - I don't have a tea drinking habit but I've been making them for the builders and I have discovered that I quite enjoy a regular cup, especially on a cold day!

My journal - I find that writing in my journal really helps to clear my head. I don't share my writing anywhere, it's not especially private but I'd be embarrassed if someone were to read it. I've been writing about the progress with our extension, some of the things that I've seen while out and about, and I also had a lovely time making a collage with some of my favourite inspirational images from the Christmas Lakeland catalogue!

A trip to Ikea - I love an Ikea trip. Ikea doesn't just sell products it also sells a lifestyle, and I really want that lifestyle. We didn't even buy that much, our main reason to visit was to buy a mirror and some lightbulbs, but of course some other things fell in the trolley as we were walking around. I did manage to resist the gorgeous Christmas scented candles though!

A wooden tray to serve my lunch - I bought this tray a year or so ago from Flying Tiger and I hadn't really used it because it had some greasy residue on it that I couldn't clean off. I finally gave it a scrub with some WD40 and it cleaned up brilliantly, so now I am treating myself to aesthetic lunch displays!

Aesthetic lunch served on a wooden tray

Hot water bottles - Even in summer I usually cosy up at night with a hot water bottle! I love an early night with my fluffy pyjamas and a good book.

Playing Jenga - I was re-reading My Hygge Home by Meik Wiking (a great book!) and enjoying all the beautiful hygge photographs, including one of a Jenga game in progress which inspired me to get out my set. It's such a fun game, it doesn't take long to play and it always brings a smile to even the grumpiest faces.

What have you been enjoying recently?

1 comment:

  1. Ahh! What lovely things to be happy about. I am glad the extension is really coming together now, it sounds like a lot of work but it will be worth it in the end.
    Yum! Those brownies look so good, I can just imagine eating one with a nice cup of tea. x


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