
Wednesday 2 October 2024

A hole in the side of the house

I may have been a little quiet on the blog recently, but it hasn't been at all quiet in our house!

We are currently carrying out a project which we have been planning for a long time - we are adding an orangery extension. We've been half thinking about it since we moved in, and so we never did any other work to the house in case it would turn out to be a waste of time and money. 

Finally at the beginning of the year we started to plan more seriously and began to put some ideas together. We had to wait for it to go through planning permission because we are joining to the garage, but fortunately it was accepted with no problems. 

It's the first time that we've been involved in a project like this and we haven't really known what to expect. We've been watching time lapse videos of similar projects on YouTube to get a feel for the order in which things will happen. This also inspired my husband to buy his own time lapse camera to record the progress which is fantastic to watch back and I'll definitely be sharing it when it's all done!

It seemed to take a while to really get going - we had problems with unexpected pipes in the wrong places and then the weather was atrocious. For a long time all we had to look at was a muddy back garden full of holes. But then the beautiful red brick walls went up, and this week the wooden structure is being built, and that has really given us a feel for how it's going to look. 

Halfway through an orangery extension build

Currently most of the back of the house is missing, with wooden boards and tarpaulin the only protection from the elements. It was fine at first, but as the weather has got colder and windier it has felt a little bit as though I'm preparing food outdoors! Luckily the front of the house has escaped unscathed so we have the living room to retreat to, and we've not suffered at all with any dust or mess.

We are a couple of weeks away from having a sealed structure, and then the work will move indoors with plastering, tiling and a new kitchen. It should all be complete well before the end of the year, and I'm really looking forward to a Christmas at home with a new kitchen to cook in and stars to gaze at through the ceiling!

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow! It seems like a lot of work but I am sure it will be worth it in the end.


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