
Friday 14 June 2024

My favourite places to read

Where do you like to read? Here are some of my favourite places!

Favourite places for everyday reading:

In bed. This is where I do most of my reading! We have a large padded headrest and I prop myself up with cushions. When my husband is away I go to bed around 9pm and tuck myself up in the duvet with a hot water bottle to read for a couple of hours.

In the egg chair in the dining room. It looks out over the garden and when the sun is out it's really warm. I have to prop a foot against the floor or a wall though to stop myself swinging too much otherwise I get seasick!

In the living room. The living room is cool in summer but lovely and warm in winter, especially on the sofa under a heated blanket.

Woman sitting on the sofa with a book
Photo credit Lenin Estrada via Unsplash

In my study. When everyone is around I can shut the door and sometimes I'm able to enjoy a few minutes peace and quiet to read before someone disturbs me.

In the car at school pick up. I arrive near the school nice and early, partly so that I can get a parking space but mainly because it gives me 20 minutes or so of undisturbed peace and quiet to read!

In the garden. I have to spend some time finding the perfect position - what to sit on and how to make sure that I'm not in full sun but still warm enough.

At the dinner table. I always read while I'm eating my lunch and sometimes also during my dinner if it's a particularly good book!

Favourite places that aren't quite as easy to manage:

The balcony on a cruise ship, ideally in a warm location. If the ship is at sea I can enjoy the breeze and the sight and sound of the waves. If it's docked then there is always something to see - either beautiful scenery or a busy dock with plenty of activity.

Any other kind of balcony. We've stayed a couple of times in an Airbnb in Westward Ho! which had a fantastic balcony with a view over the beach and a busy promenade beneath. I spent hours out there with a book!

Anywhere that I'm on holiday. When I don't have any other responsibilities to distract me and everyone else is occupied. I love a hotel room, even if there are other people there too and it can be a little cramped it always feel luxurious.

Balcony view in Westward Ho!

However - Places to read where the expectation doesn't meet reality!

These sound like good places to read, but they aren't for me!

On a plane. I can never read on a plane, I don't know if it's the vibration of the engines, the fact that it's so cramped, or constant disturbance from travelling companions, fellow passengers or the food and drink service. Likewise reading on a train!

On the beach. It's not that it's difficult to manage - I can get to a beach with a book in about fifteen minutes. But I always get too cold, too hot or it's too windy, and what if I need the toilet?

A coffee shop. I love the idea of sitting in a coffee shop with a book, a hot chocolate and an indulgent cake. But I would feel self-conscious, worry about staying too long after I'd finished my drink, and feeling exposed with people walking past. 

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