This guest post is from Becky Goddard-Hill, co-author of Create Your Own Happy
(affiliate link) - a happiness boosting activity book for 7-12 year olds and their families. All the activities are based on scientific findings that explain why doing them will create happiness.
Making a ‘nature photograph’ is a great way to tell the story of an outdoor adventure, and bring nature inside your home. This is a really simple activity and suits kids (or grown-ups of any age) It can be done by yourself or in a group and combines a little nature hunt with a beautiful craft.
What you need:
A postcard sized piece of coloured card
Double sided sticky tape
A forest, wood, park, garden or anywhere nature is growing.
How you make it:
Put a strip of double-sided sticky tape across the middle of one side of your piece of card and take it out with you for a nature walk.
Pick things up as you go and stick them on your card. Try looking for different colours, textures, shapes and sizes, from tiny seeds to bits of bark, leaves and small flowers.
Only pick up fallen things as we don’t want to disturb growing things.
You can arrange them on the card to make an interesting picture or pattern.
You should now have a beautiful ‘nature photograph’ that you can hang in your home or seal with sticky back plastic and send to a friend.
Why nature makes you happy
Here are 2 amazing bits of research that show us how being out in nature can make us happier and healthier
When a group of scientists at the University of Chicago tracked people’s happiness for 17 years, they found the people were happiest when they were living near trees. Pennsylvania hospital patients with a window with a tree view went home on average a day earlier than people with no view.
Japanese researchers found that a one-day trip to a park can boost our ‘natural killer’ white blood cells and proteins that help to fight off illness for at least seven days afterwards
You really create your own happy by getting out in nature. This will make you healthy AND happy and you will have a beautiful nature photograph too!
This post contains an Amazon affiliate link.
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