Thursday, 18 August 2016

Making some simple, colourful bunting for the garden

I was sorting through the craft cupboards recently and came across some fabric paints and crayons left over from previous projects. So I decided to come up with a craft that we could use them for, and settled on some simple homemade bunting for the garden.

How to make some simple colourful garden bunting

It's not intended to last forever and to be honest I'm not sure it will last through the winter, but it's a lovely decoration while it's there!

How to make some simple colourful garden bunting

We made the bunting using scraps of old fabric, both plain and patterned. The plain fabric, like a lot of my fabric, comes from a pillowcase. I buy very cheap ones from Asda where they cost about £2 for a pair. I ironed the fabric so we had a nice flat surface to work on.

We cut out plenty of flags, mine measure around 19cm x 15cm but they aren't exact. We decorated the flags using both fabric crayons and fabric paint. When the paint had dried I set the paint by ironing it for a couple of minutes on the reverse.

How to make some simple colourful garden bunting

I was rather proud of my letter J, and the children copied me with flags for their own initials. Mia decided to decorate her flags with the current family obsession, Pokemon. Harry came up with the idea of advertising a bug hunt challenge, and he made scavenger hunt leaflets to keep in the summerhouse.

How to make some simple colourful garden bunting

They are hanging across the entrance to our vegetable patch, and I love watching them fluttering in the breeze!

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