Monday, 24 August 2015

Behind the scenes of my blog

I thought I'd share a little bit about where I blog and how I blog. I hope that it's interesting!

A few months ago I wrote about my blogging area, when we had just bought a new desk. It's where I do all my blogging, because I need a full size keyboard when I'm typing. It does mean that I'm limited to writing blog posts from one particular spot in the house, but I think that it also helps with my productivity because if I'm sitting down at the desk I know that I'm here to work.

I rarely get the chance to sit down here when there are small children in the house, and if I do I'm constantly interrupted, so I'm to be found here on my child free mornings and some evenings. I do social media catching up from my phone at various points throughout the day. This is how the desk looks at the moment - not quite as tidy as in the original pictures!

Behind the scenes of my blog

To the right of my desk on the floor you can usually find a small stack of books and jiffy bags which are things waiting to be reviewed. On this occasion the jiffy bag contains fabric. As hard as I try I can never seem to be without it, as soon as I've got through the pile another jiffy bag, often full of books, will appear! Please don't think that I'm complaining at all though, receiving things to review is a fantastic reward for all the time that I spend on my blog.

Behind the scenes of my blog

I recently decided that I wanted a decent white background for some of my posts, especially the crafty ones. So my photo studio is a piece of white cardboard, folded over, which I store folded up next to my desk. I take most of my photos on my iPhone in my study, below the window. It's starting to look a little scruffy now so I should probably replace it. I'd really like to improve my photography, it's definitely something that I need to work on!

Behind the scenes of my blog

I have a bullet journal style notebook which I use to plan my week, both for blogging and for other things that need to be done. I try to plan my blog posts a week in advance, leaving spaces for posts that come up, for example if we've been on a brilliant day trip or something has happened that I want to remember. I also have a longer term editorial calendar which I use for a rough plan of posts about a month in advance, and various lists of craft ideas and blog posts that I want to write. I have a vague yearly schedule too with ideas for upcoming months based around the seasons and celebrations.

If you are a blogger and have written a 'behind the scenes' post I'd love to see it, please leave a link in the comments!


  1. Looks like a very calm space to work! Something I think I need to work on creating ;-)

    1. Thank you! It does get a bit cluttered sometimes although I try to keep it under control, and I do quite like having a few pretty bits and pieces around, they inspire me!


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