Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Hama bead witches for Halloween using the princess pegboard

You can find all my Hama bead Halloween crafts here - Hama bead crafts for Halloween

I bought this Hama bead princess pegboard with the intention of using it to make some pretty princess for Mia. But with Halloween approaching, I was inspired to use the board to make some spooky Hama bead Halloween witches instead. These boards to use a lot of beads - I had to stock up on my black beads to make these Halloween designs!

Hama bead princess pegboard

I buy most of my Hama bead pegboards individually from the craft shop in my village. They have a great selection, and they are reasonably priced. Most of the boards that they sell are also available in the larger Hama bead sets, but I like to buy the boards and large boxes of beads individually, and if I need inspiration there is plenty online. 

Hama bead witches for Halloween

I experimented with different lengths of dress, sleeves and skin colours. This is another great board that is really versatile, you can come up with lots of different designs. I can quite happily while away an evening or two trying out different things!

My second set of witches are a bit scarier:

Hama bead witch designs

We used these Hama bead witches to create a Hama bead witch Halloween display which can be illuminated with small battery powered candles and was really easy for the little ones to make. You could also line them up across the mantlepiece, or maybe display in the window for trick or treaters to admire! I've also thought about hanging them as a mobile or stringing them to make bunting.

If you are making Autumn and Halloween decorations from Hama beads you might also like my Hama bead Halloween Haunted House or these Autumn themed Hama bead battery tea light holders. We've also made Halloween napkin holders from Hama beads and Halloween Hama bead coasters.

You can find lots more Hama bead Halloween ideas in my round up post - Hama bead crafts for Halloween

Have a fun, crafty Halloween!

Hama bead witch designs for Halloween


  1. Oh these are fabulous! Thank you, thank you - we have this very set, I can't wait to show Ruby!

    1. Have fun! And stock up on those black beads, I had to buy an extra two bags!

  2. Oh what a fantastic idea! L does like creating with Hama Beads... they just seem to get everywhere but as said previously - can imagine it is therapeutic and the designs are awesome!!xx

  3. Oh wow how clever. I still haven't played with the ones I have. I shall know where to look for inspiration.

  4. They are fab Jennifer! I love your HAMA bead creations xx


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