
Saturday 5 July 2014

Our first school summer holiday

It isn't long now until the end of term. I can't believe that Harry has almost finished his first year of school! So this means that we are approaching our first long summer holiday. We have a week away booked, but apart from that Ram has no holiday to use, and so I'll be enjoying a lot of time with the children. Mia will continue to go to her nursery for two mornings a week - normally my quiet time and a chance to do some blogging - so I'll have plenty of Harry time.

I remember last summer very clearly. The weather was beautiful, and we were fortunate enough to enjoy lots of outings and other fun activities. I was conscious at the time that it was my last couple of months with both small children at home. This year, I really want to make the most of the summer, and make some fun memories together.

Waterslide in the garden

So, like many people I've been putting together a list of things that I want to do. We've been saving our Tesco vouchers so we will be having a few family days out at the weekends, so this list is really about things for the three of us to do at home. Some are for sunny days, some for rainy days, some for when it's just me and Harry, some for us all. Many are taken from my Day Zero Project list and some are inspired by other lists which I've seen online. We probably won't complete them all, but at least we'll have plenty of inspiration! So here goes:

  • Plan some themed days. I'm still thinking, but perhaps a Pirate Day, and something 'sciency' maybe volcanoes and earthquakes.
  • Spend a night in a tent in the garden with both children (fully accepting that we will get no sleep). Spend a couple of nights out there with just Harry too. Have hot chocolate, sing camp fire songs, and read by torchlight.
  • Take a photograph for each letter of the alphabet. I've not decided yet whether to do things or actual letters!
  • Make some Artist Trading Cards with the children, I used to love making these and I was recently sent some blank ones to try out.

Tent in the garden

  • Have a picnic on Highdown Hill.
  • Set up the water slide in the back garden (and hopefully invite some friends round to try it out too)
  • Have plenty of barbecues, and definitely make lots of pizza. 
  • If it's a clear night, lie on a blanket in the garden to watch the Perseid meteor shower (August 10-13th) and maybe persuade Harry to join me.

Pizza on the barbecue

  • Make sure Harry doesn't forget everything that he's learned at school, in particular working on his writing. 
  • Set up a shop for Harry to practise counting.
  • Set up a temporary museum for Harry to display his treasures and write about them.
  • Plenty of reading.
  • Pick flowers and press them to make pictures.
  • Take the children for cake in a cafe. 
  • Make a big bed in the living room and spend all day in our pajamas (even me!). Read books, draw and tell stories.
  • Have a baking day and bake (and eat!) some new things together.
  • Learn some magic tricks and do a magic show.
  • Make loom band bracelets and Hama bead creations.
  • Go to the beach and collect pebbles, paint and decorate them, and then return them to the beach for people to find.
  • Spend a day playing garden games - skittles, bowls, chalk, obstacle courses, circuit races.
  • Learn to identify ten constellations.
  • When it rains, go out and jump in the muddy puddles in the lane down the road.
  • Join the summer reading scheme at the library and take home bags of books.
  • Learn to identify ten different birds and write their names.
  • Start a nature journal for Harry.
  • Start playing simple board games with Mia now that she can understand them a little better. 

It sounds idyllic doesn't it! Of course I'm being realistic, it's not always going to be easy having them both at home, and I'm sure that there will be plenty of fighting and screaming. But if I plan it all out and prepare in advance I'm hoping that we can have a lot of fun.

I hope that you have a fantastic summer! What do you have planned?


  1. I bet you can't believe that he has completed his first year nearly already, great list :)

  2. Some great ideas there. Look forward to hearing about theme. Love alphabet photo idea.

  3. What a helpful list - thank you so much for compiling it! Hope you have a wonderful break - it certainly sounds like it will be packed full of fun :)


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