Wednesday, 25 July 2012

First shoes

Do all babies scream when you take them to be measured for shoes, or is it just mine? At the weekend we took Mia to the shoe shop and had her fitted for her first pair of shoes. I'm afraid that we're not terribly sentimental about these things, and tend to make our shoe purchase decisions based upon price rather than style. Well, it's not as though they wear these little shoes for very long anyway is it!

They are pretty shoes though, and I can't stop myself looking at the little card that they gave us with Mia's photograph on the front, and sighing over the fact that we no longer have a baby, now we officially have a toddler.

First pair of toddler shoes


  1. It is such a cliche, but they really are growing so quickly. Our babies are indeed toddlers and before you know it they'll be speaking proper sentences and going to school.

    Very cute shoes. My little boy has a pair of Clarks first shoes that he has nearly outgrown. I'm trying to find him sandals for the hot weather but it's been impossible. Hey ho another attempt to find a pair today I think.

  2. Oh and to answer your question. My youngest daughter screamed the place down when she got measured for her first shoes, we actually had to go back on a different occasion to do it. My son not a peep. Probably a girl thing lol......

    1. You might be lucky with sandals in the sales at the moment, these were. My son was worse, but Mia did have a bit of a strop!

  3. My daughter was perfectly well-behaved...until it was time to try walking in them. She threw one of her first proper tantrums and the shop assistant repeatedly asked me if she could actually walk, to which I replied that she had been running around at home for weeks! All shoe shopping trips since then have been much the same, except that rather than refusing to take a single step, she attempts to make an escape attempt from the shop!

    1. Mia was very cross when we tried to put the shoe on, it was the first time she'd worn proper shoes and she didn't like having them squashed in! Sounds like shoe shopping isn't much fun for you at all!

  4. Yes Bubba screamed like she was having all her teeth pulled out. I had high hopes of smiles and remembering the first time she got shoes but we left the shop both red faced and tearful. She liked the shoes actually on and walking in them, just didn't like the lady touching her feet! The irony is that now it's hard to get her out of shoes.

    1. So glad from these stories that we are not the only ones with cross babies! Both of them have their picture from Clarks and they look pretty grumpy!

  5. And remember to keep that first pair of shoes!

  6. They were Bob's second pair of shoes. I loved them. Just been shoe shopping today. She doesn't scream but she does escape down the aisles. x

    1. They are lovely little shoes, they were the only ones on the sale shelf so luckily they fitted! Mia likes sucking the velcro straps on shoes so we had to hold her back, she thought all those shoes laid out for her were wonderful!

  7. Nope not just your children, Alex ALWAYS without fail would scream the shop down, scary how fast they grow up isn't it. I always think they look so much more grown up when they start toddling x

    1. Yes it makes them look so different when they are walking about, it's lovely to watch!

  8. Rhys screamed the shop down when my Nan and I got him his first pair of real shoes. He refused to try and walk in them, and when he eventually did he dragged his feet as though we'd put cement blocks on them instead of smart leather lace-ups! I thought it was because of his autism, but perhaps it was just the reaction of any child who has only ever been used to soft bootees!

    He's 16 now, and has larger feet than me!

    1. All these replies are making me feel so much better about my babies and shoes, as all the other children I've seen in shoe shops have been impeccably behaved! I think it must be very strange for them if they are not used to wearing shoes, and also having their feet held by a stranger can't be very much fun.


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