
Monday 26 September 2011

Simultaneously entertaining a baby and toddler

Before getting pregnant with Mia, I was chatting to another mum at baby group who had just had her second child. She told me that the worst thing about managing with two was the feelings of guilt. Having spent all her time looking after her toddler, she now had to divide her attention between her two daughters.

This is something that I've been struggling with lately. Harry can entertain himself for a little while with his toys. But it's more fun for both him and me if I can join in with him. Mia is often quite content to sit in her swinging chair and listen to the music, but she is much happier when I get down on her level and interact with her. The trouble is that it's very difficult to entertain them both at the same time.

Mia does still sleep a lot during the day, and Harry can play by himself while she is feeding, which takes less and less time these days. But there are many times when they are both desperate for attention, and I end up either ignoring one or trying to divide my time and giving neither my full attention.

I know that it will be easier when Mia is sitting and interacting more with her surroundings, and I'm really looking forward to it. But in the meantime I find it a struggle to come up with activities that will engage them both. What do other people do?

Simultaneously entertaining a baby and a toddler

Notice Mia looking on from the background, desperate to join in!

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