Sunday, 13 October 2013

Halloween Hama Bead House

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You can find all my Hama bead Halloween crafts here - Hama bead crafts for Halloween

How to make a Halloween house from Hama beads

There isn't long to go now until Halloween, and so I've been coming up with some craft ideas for the children. Last year I decorated the house the night before while Harry was asleep, and he was so excited to come down in the morning and find spooky decorations everywhere. The trouble is that now he is going to expect that from me every year, he's already been checking that it's on the cards this year!

As regular readers will know, I love my Hama beads and I especially love my Hama bead house template. You can see some Hama bead houses that I've made previously here - Hama bead house designs. With Halloween coming up I thought I'd make a Halloween house for our collection. I used the brilliant Hama bead house pegboard (306). It's a large board, so it does use up quite a lot of beads, and you have to be careful when you iron it as it's easy to miss some areas. I only ironed it on one side for the photographs, but I've since gone back and ironed the other side too, as it makes it so much more robust when little ones are playing with it.

The Halloween house is mainly made using grey Hama beads. We normally buy our Hama beads in the large buckets, but I had to buy the grey ones separately as they aren't in the multipacks. I gave the house a purple roof and black windows. I also added a few glow in the dark Hama beads as accents which are really good and work really well. I'm rather pleased with the pumpkin in the corner!

Hama bead Halloween house

If you are crafting with Hama beads this Halloween you might like some of my other ideas - like Halloween Hama bead napkin rings and these Hama bead witches that we used to make a Halloween witch display as well as these Halloween Hama bead coasters.

You can also find lots more Hama bead Halloween ideas in my round up post - Hama bead crafts for Halloween

Halloween Hama bead witches

Have you made any Halloween themed Hama bead creations? I'd love to see them! 

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  1. Really loving this idea, I've bought Roo some Hama Beads for Christmas and just purchased the house pegboard so we can make these next year

    1. Thank you! I really like the house template, it is large but it has so much potential

  2. Jennifer that little house is absolutely adorable!!!!!

  3. That's great. We have the biggest tub of hama beads that hardly gets used. I am going to dig it out now! (:


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